Employee Spotlight: Carly Gaudreault

Carly Gaudreault, IT Support Lead

How long have you worked with Zodiac Light Waves Inc.?

I’ve been at Zodiac for just over 3 years — 3 years and one week to be exact.

I lead the IT support team setting up systems, cameras, and IT infrastructure.

My day-to-day responsibilities typically include supporting project management. My specialty is the nurse call system, so this involves logging into the network to see tickets and emergency tickets. An example of a ticket would be if the pendant calls aren’t reaching the phones. I take things when they first come in, and the team does the networking when trying to find the answers and solutions.

What has been the highlight of your time at Zodiac?

I\’m proud of myself when I find solutions to problems that others can’t find. Like when a double door system’s alarm wasn’t going off, so we went in and set it up.

I’m constantly learning new things, it’s a whole new world.

What are some lessons you have learned from your time with Zodiac?

  • I love helping people who help people. (At Zodiac, we specialize in IT to keep people safe).
  • We help people who can’t help themselves, it’s fulfilling.

What three words best describe you?

  1. Energetic
  2. Enthusiastic
  3. A problem solver — I enjoy puzzles!

What do you do in your free time?

I used to play this game called Plants vs Zombies, which is a tower defence-styled game, but now I’m more into programming. I’m currently developing a tabletop RPG board game that is on prototype #4. The game should be out in 4 to 5 months.

What is your favourite thing about Ottawa?  

I used to say I was stuck here because this is where I had a job, but it has its charm. I can’t picture myself living anywhere else!